
From Electriki
Revision as of 17:38, 10 August 2009 by Jan Goofy (talk | contribs)
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Date: summer 2009.

On a plain to iceland, as a turist. Out on a gletcher, large holes in the ice, Suddenly, a white horse's head pop's up from the hole about 50-100 meters away. Tour-guide warns us not to help the horse. Seconds later, A NASA rocket takes off from the verry same hole, assumingly burning the horse to the death.

Date: 2009-08-01

Testing to see if a coffiemaker is water-resistant. pouring milk over it. some damn foo insist on placing small bags of sand and salt next to it, to absorb the milk

Date: 2009-08-06

Wake up at 02:30 while still asleep, have to do work, but also have to sleep, all this while still asleep.

Date: 2009-08-07

So me and a mate are at a BIG cinema; many screens but no separate rooms (like one very big dark hall with furniture and cupboards as only 'walls'); he goes to take his place while I have to do something. I go to take a leak; near the (fancy) restrooms there's a guy offering me 2 cups with blobs of green and blue jelly or whatever (each in its own cup) in it; I ask "what's that difference?", he doesn't answer, so I ask some teenage kid; he says "I don't know either". I think "goodie, I'm not *that* old yet". Back to the cinema, I can't find my mate, and think what a bad move it was to leave him there like that, and hope he's ok. After all this, I'm walking the streets, alone, it's dark and I have a fold-up razorblade, I'm following some guy. After toying with it, I put the blade in my pocket to prevent nasty cuts (in myself).

Date: 2009-08-10

I am in my old (ground)school. in a long walkway/corridor. metal rods are placed about 20cm above floor level, across the corridor (about 3-4 meters wide). I am jumping like a Kangaroo from metal rod to metal rod. At the end of the about 50 meter long corridor, I reach the end, that goes into the main hall entrance, still jumping. out through the double doors and now I am in a Airport, the taxfree zone just before bording area. I am searching for a digi cam. charger for my friend who is currently in Canada, but he forgot his charger. I find none, all I can find in the taxfree area that have thick pink carpet btw. is black sony DVD players.