All pages
From Electriki
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- !CBA eggs
- 1-wire
- 1-wire bitbanging
- 8-way temperature sensor
- AVR Programmer Pogo Adapter
- Accelerometer
- Accelerometer data over bluetooth
- All Pages Index
- Almost a Stevenson screen
- Ascilloscope
- Assembler for imaginary single-instruction CPU
- Atari 2600 32-in-1 game selection fun
- Avr rc5
- Avr rc5 remote control
- BJT Amplifier
- BOL LED lamp
- Bad-caps-syndrom
- Bean goulash
- Btm-112
- CBA-painting
- CBA eggs
- CBA tea
- Cheapest TV table ever
- Cnc project
- Control Relays With AVR
- DIY bike generator
- Dreams
- Dual channel El Cheapo pulse generator
- EagleSupport
- FT230X SMD module
- FT230X based Atmel AVR programming dongle
- FanControl
- Favicon
- Flow-X IO interface board
- FreezerControl
- Fridge fix
- GainClone
- Geiger
- Guide your lights
- Handcrafted bitmaps
- Heatpipe
- Home Made Stuff Elsewhere
- Hotplate
- How Cutie manages my measurements
- Humidity-meter
- Intelligent xmas decoration
- JTAG explorer toy
- KiCad with generated net and cmp files
- KiCad without eeschema or cvpcb
- Kitchen LED lighting
- LCD backlight
- LPC2138
- LPC2138/crt
- Lcd text
- Let there be sound
- Long Distance SPI
- Lpc isp dongle
- Main Page
- Mantis
- Meet 2009
- Miffy surprise
- Mr.Nasty 433 MHz noise-source
- NES Zapper target
- Nostalgia mixer
- Objective-PHP
- Opamp bias currents
- PCB (etching)
- Pellet Velocity Meter
- Playground
- PoV
- Pornography
- Psu hack
- Quiz Box from hell
- Radiation
- Raspberry PI UPS
- Raspberry Pi IO Board
- SM Barbie's Page
- SPICE3-hacking primer
- Show me your sp00nz
- Silly serial sound device
- Simple Inverter
- Simple debug tracing for embedded systems
- Smoking papers
- Sms via bluetooth
- SolderLog
- Spark-controlled gamelamp
- Stargate switch
- Stargate switch v1
- Stargate switch v2
- Temperature Calibration
- The Homebrewer's Guide to the Galaxy
- The Meeting
- The Simplest Thermometer
- The Ultimate 2014 Electronics Competition
- The duck repair
- Timemachine
- U2013EC
- Universal CAN Modules
- Universal UART ISP dongle
- Wall clock PPM
- Wanking
- Wobbly bike light